The Langdons prospecting permit (PP 60893) is located in the Paparoa goldfield, approximately 50km SW of Reefton. The Greenland Group rocks that host the mineralisation in the Reefton goldfield also outcrops in a NE trending belt, 25km to the west. This belt of Greenland Group rocks hosts the historical Langdons and Croesus gold and antimony mines.
The main targets within the area are a number of outcropping reefs, but other mineralised Greenland Group rocks could be hidden under the cover to the east and west .
The Langdons Reef, or Langdons Antimony Lode, was discovered in 1879. Several mines were opened on various reefs, including Langdons, Victory, Julian, Bonanza and Wilsons. A battery was established at Langdons in 1885. Early reported grades were up to 2,610g/t Au and 1,120g/t Ag. The Langdon and Victory reefs were mined successfully for five years, with a reported production of 1,586oz of gold from 809 tons of ore for an average grade of 60g/t Au.
Recent Exploration Activities
Since DoC access was granted, Siren has located the Langdons Antimony mine, theLiberty and Midnight reefs. Siren collected six samples from the Langdons mullock heap. Gold grades ranged from 4 to 506g/t Au and up to 9.3% antimony (see ASX announcement dated 17 January 2024). Langdons Reef outcrop extends west to the contact with the Paparoa coal measures. It is likely that the reef extends further west under the coal measures and it remains a key exploration target..
The Liberty Reef is located 300m along strike to the east from Langdons Reef. Siren trenched across a Liberty Reef outcrop, returning 1.75m @ 4.5g/t Au (see ASX announcement dated 17 January 2024).